
This project has been developed in partnership with local organisations in Stirling: Royal Voluntary Service (RVS); Stirling Carer Centre; Food Train; Crossroads; Town Break; Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA); and the Dementia Services Development Trust (DSDT).
DSDC would like to thank the partner organisations for their continued collaboration and support to make this project possible.
Town Break
Town Break deliver a mix of day club and one-to-one befriending services supporting people with mild to moderate stage dementia to reduce their social isolation and increase their independence and to support them to stay in their own home in the Stirling District for longer. Town Break also support their carer, if applicable, by providing them with advice, support, signposting to other local services and some regular respite time.
Additional services have been introduced over the years to provide person-centred support. These include a weekly Coffee Club, a monthly Friendship Group and a cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) programme which is a short treatment to help those who have mild or early stages dementia.
Visit the Town Break website >
Food Train
Food Train is a Scottish Charity offering a low cost grocery shopping service for older people who are struggling to manage this essential task themselves due to age related frailty, disability or ill health. The service is provided by local volunteers.
Visit the Food Train website >
SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen & Families Association) is the UK’s oldest national tri‐service charity. It understands the unique challenges of military life and provides lifelong support to anyone who is currently serving or has ever served in the Royal Navy, British Army or Royal Air Force, including the Reserve Forces, and their families.
SSAFA does not work in isolation or in competition with other Service charities. Our main task is to find out what the problem is that faces our clients, and then find the best agency to deal with it. This may be a Regimental Association, the Social Services, Government department or the bigger, better funded charities like the RAF Benevolent Fund and Poppy Scotland. Our Caseworkers are all volunteers. They make the personal contact, and then make sure whoever is appropriate follows it through. In some cases, the funds come directly from SSAFA; in most we may not be able to crack the problem ourselves, ‘but we know a man who can’.
Royal Voluntary Service
Royal Voluntary Service wants to help create a society where everyone feels valued and involved whatever their age.
We are one of the largest volunteer organisations in the country. Our 35,000 volunteers help older people stay active, independent and able to continue to contribute to society. They do this by providing practical and emotional help where and when it’s needed.
Royal Voluntary Service helps in all sorts of ways:
- We help older people get out of the house for a bite to eat, social occasions or just to see friends
- We enjoy popping round for a chat as often as is liked
- We will help with jobs such as doing the shopping and collecting library books
- We can also do the simple but important things, such as changing a light bulb or fixing a lock
- We are here to make sure older people are calm and well informed before they have appointments or a stay in hospital, and we’ll check they are ok when they get home
- We also work on a national level to raise awareness of the issues older people face. We do this through our media campaigns and research.
Visit the Royal Voluntary Service website >
Stirling Carers Centre
Stirling Carers Centre provides information, advice and support to unpaid carers throughout the Stirling Council area.
Stirling Carers Centre supports adult carers by providing a range of free services including advice & information; Carers’ Assessments; benefit checks and practical and emotional support.
We also have a range of short breaks events and activities to give carers time out from their caring role and a chance to socialise with other local people in similar situations.
Our Young Adult Carers Service supports carers aged between16-25. The Young Adult Carers Service can help you access confidential information and support in areas such as financial advice and accessing flexible opportunities to combine education, training, volunteering or employment with your caring role. We also offer emotional support, opportunities for personal development, and peer support as well as short break provision.
Our Young Carers Service support Young Carers aged between 7 – 16 years. Stirling Young Carers Service provides
- 1:1 Support
- Young Carer Groups
- Information & Advice
- Short breaks – Day Trips & Residentials
Visit the Stirling Carers Centre website >
Crossroads Caring Scotland is a charity with over 35 years’ experience of providing support for vulnerable people and their carers. We support people of all ages regardless of their illness or disability. Whether the person being cared for is a loved one living with terminal cancer, an elderly relative with dementia, or a young person living with a disability requiring life-long care, our highly trained and professional staff are well equipped to provide the right support at the right time.
Visit the Crossroads website >
Dementia Services Development Trust (DSDT)
The Dementia Services Development Trust (DSDT) works to improve the lives of people with dementia and their carers. It does this through funding projects with the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC).