Useful websites

Useful websites
Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC)
Dedicated to improving lives for people living with dementia and their families.
Carers Trust
Largest provider of comprehensive carers support services in Scotland.
Citizens Advice Scotland
Independent advice, working for a fairer Scotland were people are empowered and their rights respected.
Age Scotland
Scotland’s helpline for older people, providing information, friendship and advice. Support older people, their families and carers.
Alzheimer Scotland
Useful products, information and support.
Connecting people, connecting support
Alzheimer’s Society
Information and support.
National Dementia Carers Action Network
Information for family Carers
UK wide network of carers, former carers and health and care professionals working to support carers of people living with dementia.
Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise
Local charities, social enterprises and volunteer-led community organisations. Connecting people, ideas and resources.
Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
Useful information for people who are receiving care or treatment, in hospital or in the community.
Shared Care Scotland
Short break provision for people with care needs and their carers.
Hints and tips for living well at home
NHS Health Scotland
Free dementia resources to view and download.
The Royal Voluntary Service (RVS)
Advice and practical support. Including companionship.
Support and advice for dementia carers.
Parkinson’s UK
Information and support for those affected by Parkinson’s.
Age UK
Befriending services
Care and Repair Scotland
Independent advice and assistance to help elderly and disabled homeowners repair, improve or adapt their homes.
Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project (MECOPP)
Supports carers in Edinburgh and Lothians, in black and minority ethnic communities, securing access to a variety of support and services to undertake or sustain a caring role.
The Scottish Dementia Working Group
A national campaigning group for people with dementia, run by people with dementia, working to improve services and challenge stigma.
Volunteer Scotland
Supporting volunteers across Scotland.
The armed forces charity.
Volunteer Scotland, volunteering in dementia care
Importance of volunteering in dementia care through a variety of settings.
Our Connected Neighbourhoods (OCN)
Putting people living with dementia at the heart of creating dementia-inclusive communities.
British Dietetic Association
Professional association and trade union for dietitians.
The British Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Charitable Association that raises awareness of malnutrition and works to advance the nutritional care of patients and those at risk from malnutrition in the wider community.
Food Train, Scotland
Grocery delivery for older people.
Care Information Scotland
Home help or home support to help keep independence.
Meals at home, England and Wales
Meals on Wheels.
Alzheimer’s Society – children and young people
Explaining dementia to children and young people.
Young Dementia UK
National charity for younger people (30 – 65) with dementia and their families
What can we do
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST)
Group reminiscence based treatment for people with mild to moderate dementia.
Paths for all
Champion walking every day for a happier, healthier Scotland. They organise and run dementia friendly walks.
Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Countryside Trust
Health walk programme in Scotland, free of charge.
Activities for people living with dementia.
National Museum of Scotland
Offer a series of events for anyone affected by dementia, including their relatives, friends and supporters.
House of Memories is a museum-led dementia awareness programme which offers training, access to resources, and museum-based activities to enable carers to provide person-centred care for people living with dementia.
Macrobert Arts Centre
Offer relaxed screenings which are suitable for people living with dementia.
BBC Music Memories
Supporting people with dementia reconnect with their most powerful memories through music.
Playlist for Life
Create the soundtrack to your life
Offer a range of dementia friendly activities to help people with memory loss and dementia to feel calm, motivated and happy.
Sports Heritage Scotland
Identifies and preserves Scotland’s sporting heritage, offering a digital archive. Reminiscence project encouraging establishment of local groups across Scotland.
Sporting Memories
Trains volunteers to spend time with people with dementia who have an interest in sports, talking about teams and matchings from the past.
The Daily Sparkle
Reminiscence newspaper specially developed to provide daily stimulation, interest, enjoyment and fun for older people and people living with dementia.