
Forthcoming workshops
The DSDC team are delighted to announce that we are now able to deliver the dementia education workshops for family carers and volunteers online, in addition to face to face events.
Face to face training takes place on one day, over a four hour period.
Online training takes place over two days (usually a Tuesday and Thursday), each 1.5 hours long. You need to attend both sessions.
You can book your place at a workshop online via the DSDC website. Alternatively, if you are interested in hosting or attenting a workshop, you can get in touch with us at or on 01786 467740.
This project currently has funding to deliver workshops across Scotland only.
If you are unable to attend a workshop but would like to receive the takeaway resources, the 10 Helpful Hints range, please email us at with your name and postal address. Please note that we only have funding to share these resources free of charge in Scotland. Alternatively, you can access digital versions of the Helpful Hints range through the DSDC website, or hard copies via the John Smith Bookshop online.
Workshop content
DSDC has created informal educational face to face workshops for family carers and volunteers. Each workshop lasts around four hours and is completely free to attend. Each workshop will cover:
- Understanding dementia.
- Implications of a diagnosis.
- Understanding the impact of the environment.
- Addressing communication issues and strategies that can be used to better understand behaviour, which can help in caring and support roles.
- Preventing stress and distress.
- Managing common symptoms for people living at home.
- Preventing crisis situations leading to inappropriate hospital admissions.
- Promoting support networks through fellow carers and shared experiences.
Workshops are all one off standalone events, which provide informal carers and volunteers with the knowledge and understanding that will support them in their role(s).
The online learning hub (the information found under the ‘Dementia Information’ tab on this website) reflects the content provided in the face to face workshops. The workshops can be used in conjunction with the online hub or the workshops/online hub can be used independently of one another.
“Thanks – an excellent day – pitched at the right level”
“I know more after today than I have over the last 8 years”
“I was amazed at how helpful [the] information was considering I worked in the care industry.”